Ben and I had another wonderful experience teaching rocks and minerals this week. I definitely feel that our lesson went much smoother this time. I opened the lesson by explaining what our goals for the class were. Ben wrote the goals and our plan for the order of the lesson on the board and then I went over them one by one. The goals were to review the rock cycle, explain the five senses, what physical properties are, observing twelve specimens, record observations, and then to share the observations. After I went over the goals, we all sang the Rock Cycle song together again which they really seemed to enjoy. After the song, Ben explained the Rock Cycle more in depth by showing how the diagrams in their science workbooks work. Ben also wrote some notes and drew pictures on the white board to help the students remember the rock cycle.
After reviewing the rock cycle, I asked them to remind me of the five senses. One student told me all of them and then added that we never use taste in science. I then asked them to remind me of what some physical properties are. As the students told us, Ben wrote them down on the board. I then reviewed the safety rules again. Before having them get their egg cartons of the twelve specimens, Ben showed them how to record their observations in their workbooks. Unfortunately, there was no chart for them to record their observations so we had them create a chart on a blank page by listing the rock numbers one through twelve. Ben then read off the partners and we had them get their egg cartons and two hand lens each. The students spread out all over the room to observe the physical properties with their partners. As the students were observing, Ben and I walked around asking them questions and making sure that they were working steadily because they didn’t have much time. This activity took about ten minutes.
After this activity, Ben and I had them look up at us so we could tell them what they were going to do next. We then talked to the students about sorting the specimens based on their similarities and differences. Ben showed them the chart they would have to create to record the groups in on the white board and did an example so they would understand. Again, we had to have them use another blank sheet in their workbooks. This chart had them record the physical property of the group they created such as color, the description of the physical property such as red, and the numbered specimens they had in that certain group. The students worked with the same partners and did very well sorting the specimens into groups. While the students sorted, Ben and I walked around asking them questions and giving them feedback on how well they were doing. Sadly, we ran out of time after the sorting activity and did not get to hear how they grouped the specimens and why. The teacher had to finish the end of the lesson for us.
The teacher gave us great feedback and she told us we definitely improved with this lesson. The one thing Ben and I have to focus on now is time management. I am nervous for the next lesson because we have to combine lessons three and four and we only have 45 minutes to do this. I think that as long as Ben and I work out a timed schedule then we will be fine. Time management is one of our big goals for next week. This lesson was a blast and the students really enjoyed it and Ben and I were happy that we improved from last week’s lesson. Let’s hope that we improve more next week!